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Group meeting 16.3.22


Updated: May 6, 2022

Absent with apologies – Abi & Anna

· Food & drink – the café Freya works at has offered to do or sponsor the food. We need a rough idea of numbers coming to the opening. Trays of little nibbles that Freya described are the preferred option.

· Numbers given by those present were between 2 and 9 including themselves. The approx. number including us, invited guests, tutors, 1st and 2nd years is 104 people.

· We can use the café owners bookers card to buy drink so it will be cheaper. We agreed one type of each of red, white/fizz, beer, and orange juice.

· Freya will sort out a wine fridge – if anyone has coolboxes or fridges we can use please let her know.

· Food and drink has been taken on by the fundraising team.

· Design: We agree with Abi’s suggested poster numbers of 25 A4 and 50 A3.

· Freya will send Maddie the sponsor logo’s.

· Each person needs to send one image of theirs (past work is ok) to the design team by 25th March at the latest. If you don’t do this your work will not be included on the invitations.

· Each person needs to send the following to the design team by 15th May at the latest: Name, Artist statement, Social media pages, website, 1-3 images. If you don’t do this your work will not be included in the brochure.

· Curation will write a group statement and thank yous to the tutors and Michael for the brochure.

· Abi has said all images will be copyrighted to the individual photographer.

· Fundraising: We have £250 from ultimate security, £200 from Lloyd’s, £60 from fantails, £40 from Dick the joiner. Go fund me page ongoing.

· Freya has all the logo’s except one, and will send them to Maddie.

· Social media/Promo: have set up insta and twitter. Website is almost ready. They need everyone to send one image and a short statement asap for uploading to socials.

· Bilyana would like work in progress stuff for twitter.

· Freya will send over sponsor info for posting online.

· Brooke will message the main chat about sending images, and start posting at the end of this week.

· They will follow the accounts of people who we want to come to the exhibition.

· Joe is awol?!

· Design: Abi and Anna are looking at prices for printing, and will let Ellie know costs.

· Anna is designing invites.

· Maddie is setting up the website to hand over to Hannah G

· The rest of the group has requested to see designs in whatsapp – not to complain or change anything, but just to see what they look like.

· Curation: Some people in studios 2&3 are affected by windows meaning you can’t hang above a certain height. Ethan, Ellie and Josh are affected by this. Ethan fine, Ellie and Josh can you confirm with curation if this will be a problem or not.

· Statements for the exhibition will be printed by curation on lustre and backed on foamboard. This won’t cost much and will be covered by the group fund. These statements are needed by 16th May at the absolute latest.

· Group statement will also be done by curation and will be in the corridor somewhere.

· There will be a table in the middle of each room for books etc.

· A slideshow of sponsors will be shown at the exhibition as one of them has no paper leaflets etc to give us. Freya will source table covers and business card holders. Sponsor table will be outside but there is also space for one in studio 2 if needed.

· Planning/Budgeting: Everyone has said they are happy with the timeline as it is, aside from any additions or changes discussed today. Hannah H to add new deadlines to the list.

· 8 people have paid the agreed £25 so far. Ellie requests that those still to pay need to pay by 25th April (next student loan payment date) at the absolute latest. If you can pay earlier please do.

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